Fashion Illustrators - Why Self Marketing Is Essential

Hey guys, Scott here!

The time has finally comeeee! The first video in my free 6-part video series about Maximising Self Promotion and my upcoming Masterclass the 'Business of Fashion Illustration' is NOW LIVEEE.

You can go give it a watch here:

In this video I go through the number one problem artists/fashion illustrators are facing.

And it has absolutely nout to do with your work or skills.

It’s a much deeper rooted issue that we’re going to get  through together!

Plus I’ll walk you through the new process I’ve been working on and honing for the past 8 years

I’ve called it ‘Maximising Self Promotion’

Because there’s so many talented illustrators out there who are creating insane work but they’re not pushing it for people to see.

They think if they produce the art the work will come in, or if they just post on instagram clients will find them.

But it’s not the case! So there’s easy things you can do to push your work out there and get it seen by more potential clients. And that’s exactly what i’m going over in the first video in the free 6-part video series




P.S. In the next video, I’ll explain exactly how to start implementing the Maximising Self Promotion method.

And I will walk you through a real simple strategy that will help you with getting your work out there.
So make sure you stay on the lookout so you don’t miss my next video!

I’m so excited as there’s been a lot of interest in the class.

But in order to make sure I can help everyone personally, I’ve decided to keep the class small and
only accept a lil hand-full of new students for the time being.

I think that’ll be better for everyone and
just pop your email in to the early bird waitlist below so you stand the best chance of getting in!
